
Book presentation: "Il Dossier E" by Alberto Piazzi

Monday, March the 25th, 7:00 pm Conference room first floor

The Circolo Culturale e Ricreativo " Eugenio Curiel" invites you to the presentation of the book "Il Dossier E" by Alberto Piazzi.

The author will be present.

"Il Dossier E" is a novel that develop on different levels.

On the first one a football tournament is unrolled between teams of fifth grade students. This history is intertwined with a delicate and apparently inexplicable murder, in which a senior official of the European Commission loses his life.

By carrying out an investigation parallel to the authorized one, a member of the Security Office and a professor of the European School, making their way through values ​​and ideals, intrigues and passions, lobby and business, will reach the solution: only after having become aware of inconvenient and unpleasant truths, will they be able to discover the principal and the author of the crime.